Section: Dissemination

Standardization and Patents

  • Submission of an Internet-draft to the IETF/Reliable Multicast Transport (RMT) Working Group: In March 2011, Qualcomm submitted a new FEC scheme to the RMT working group, << Universal Object Delivery (UOD) >> using RaptorQ, that aims at adding Unequal Erasure Protection (UEP) capabilities to their RaptorQ AL-FEC solution. This approach has been analyzed and compared to a new approach, we proposed (Generalized Object Encoding (GOE)), via simulations and modeling. A new Internet-Draft has been presented in July 2011 during the IETF meeting.

  • Presentation of several contributions to the ISO/ITU HEVC (High efficiency Video Coding) initiative [44] ,[45] ,[49] ,[46] ,[48] ,[47] ,[43] .

  • S. Chérigui, C. Guillemot, D. Thoreau, P. Guillotel, " Epitome-based image compression ", joint patent Technicolor/INRIA, filed in July 2011.